Hey, Hi, Hello

Oh hello! Do people still read blogs nowadays? I suppose they do - I read them in my commute to work and it makes the 45-minutes on the bus much nicer. The equivalent of my morning newspaper read. So I guess that means it’s worth giving another blog the old College try so to speak.

Hi I'm Kate
I love New England - born in Seacoast New Hampshire, raised on Cape Cod, college in New Hampshire, and 15 years of weekend trips, weddings, adventures with friends and family and my New England bucket list have given me lots of material when it comes to the great states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

I now live outside Boston in a town called a Stoneham with my husband (a Floridian who also happens to love New England) and our two kitties. I work in downtown Boston and spend my days in the cradle of the American Revolution.

My travels will form the basis of this blog - along with the accompanying Instagram account - but mostly this will be about my love affair with this unique part of the United States and life in these New England states.

I love New England for its history, seasons, landscapes,  mindset, craft beer, literature, sports, weather, towns, cities, beaches, ski mountains and everything in between. I hope to share those loves here.


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