October Nor'easter

A fact of life in New England is the Nor’easter. Especially for those of us that live near the coast. Stuff People from New England like - weather.
While a Nor’easter often delivers snow, it can also mean rain and wind. In meteorological terms Nor’easter refers to the direction of the winds that are bringing the snow/rain/wind to the area. This weekend’s Nor’easter has brought rain and wind to the Greater Boston area - minor street and coastal flooding and such. Have spent my Saturday cozy inside.
I think the New England obsession with weather comes from the fact it changes so often. We have four dedicated seasons and Spring is constantly coming later and Summer is consistently lasting longer.

The ocean effect on our weather is no joke - it keeps us cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter and adds an element of unpredictability to most every forecast in terms of rain/snow lines. You need that many more options for outwear: cold and wet, cold and dry, snowing, melting, 40s and raining, 70s and raining, in both coats and shoes.

No wonder New Englanders love LL Bean! :)
Rainy day at Biddeford Pool, ME


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